Tuesday, November 9, 2010

PLN 18

I read “Teen beaten at party died from lacerated heart,” written by the CNN Wire Staff. 18 year-old Bobby Maurice Tillman from Georgia was stomped to death outside a home where a party was being held. The police say that if he was not stomped causing a broken rib puncturing his heart, he possibly could have survived. This matters to me, because whenever I am going to a party from now on, I want to know everyone that is going to be attending. So I know for a fact that I will be safe. This affects the world and society, because you never know who is going to be lurking out there. You just can’t assume that he is a nice guy. Bobby got beaten down by four men, Horace, Emmanuel, Quantez, and Tracen. Quote from Bobby’s mom, “My son was beaten by four cowards.” These four murderers are going to have to live for the rest of their life knowing that they murdered a poor innocent boy. This matters to education, because I believe in our schools we can teach students how to stay away and act in these situations. I believe that if we do there would be a lot less deaths in the world. If we do, people like Bobby Tillman would not die.


  1. You had a great attention getter and you seemed prepared.

  2. Good presentation, look up from your computer more

  3. This is very sad but great presentation and question

  4. VEry good speech it flowed but you looked at your notes to much.

  5. good ideas on how it conects to us tenagers

  6. Good content and qusestion, look up more

  7. Touching presentation. Good question too.

  8. good presentation. great question.

  9. Nice attention getter, I like how you talked about Bobby. Good endinng question.

  10. Moving a lil back and forth, but other than that small flaw everything else was really good! You had a good question, and a well written about article.

  11. Good attention getter. Just try to learn what you're talking about so you can make more eye contact.

  12. Good joy, your question was well composed
